Dr. Emily L. Allen was appointed Dean of the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology (ECST) at California State University, Los Angeles, effective November 12, 2013.
As Dean, Dr. Allen is the chief academic, fiscal, and administrative officer of the College of ECST. Her numerous roles include providing leadership to the
college in alignment with the University Strategic Plan, supporting quality and innovation within the various academic programs consistent with national
accreditation standards. Allen also seeks broad-based support for the college from external agencies, including building relationships with local business and industry partners.
From 2008-2013, Allen has been associate dean in the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering at San José State University (SJSU). She joined SJSU in 1992 as assistant professor, earned tenure in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, was elected department chair in 2001, and promoted to full professor in 2003. Allen led the SJSU Microelectronics Process Engineering Laboratory from 1998-2005 and has been the director of SJSU’s Materials
Characterization and Metrology Center since 2005. She has also served as director of the Northern California regional affiliate of Project Lead the Way, a leading provider of rigorous and innovative STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education curricular programs used in schools.
Her administrative portfolio includes undergraduate programs and accreditation, student success programs, K-12 partnerships and community college outreach,
as well as management oversight of college personnel, operations and infrastructure. Allen has a strong record of initiating and managing research, curricular, and student success programs, including over $8 million in funding from both corporate partners and federal sources. She has published more than 50 journal articles and conference proceedings in the areas of electronic materials and engineering education.
Allen earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University, and her B.S. with honors in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Columbia University.